1. Automate Your Sales Cycle and grow your Business

    1.1 Set up Sales Automation Process

    1.2 Sales Automation Use Case
    1.3 Audit Logs

1. Automate your Sales cycle and grow your Business

Sales Automation in Zomentum allows you to automate certain actions as soon as an event trigger occurs. You can set several trigger events which, when completed, will automatically perform certain tasks such as update field properties, send email alerts, create tasks and any other sales activities. 

Automation in Zomentum is made up of two parts - a trigger event and an action event.

  • The trigger event tells when the automation should run. The "if" portion of an if-then equation: if the programmed action occurs, the automation will run.
    This can be creating or updating an Opportunity, Client, Document, Task, Meeting, Call log, and Email log in your Zomentum account.

  • The action event tells what action should be performed when the automation runs. It is the "then" part of an if-then equation: once the trigger event has occurred, this is the action you wish to take place.
    This can be creating or updating Opportunity, Client, Document, Task, Meeting, Call log, and Email log in Zomentum, or Sending of an email.

Hence, Sales automation will help you save time and effort by automating repetitive and administrative tasks like sending a Welcome email every time an opportunity is created or updating the status of your client after they sign a document. 

Section 1

1.1 Set up Sales Automation Process

  1. Go to Sales Automation Icon 

    available on the left navigation bar.

  2. Click on "Create New". You will see a new page to create automation.

  3. Please enter the name for the automation rule to easily identify it in future easily. 

  4. Select the required trigger from the available options for the automation to execute. 

  1. Next, you can select the criteria you want to apply based on the triggered variable,  Client, Document or Opportunity. 

E.g., if Document is selected as a trigger variable, then you can filter on Document, Client or Opportunity. 

6. Now, choose what action you want to perform when the Automation rule is triggered. The actions can be based on :

  1. Creating a new Action

  2. Updating fields of the triggered entity

  3. Update fields of all related activities of the triggered. E.g., Mark all the related task as completed whenever an opportunity is an update, and the Stage has changed to Won.

Note: You can choose up to five actions to execute in one automation rule. 

7. Depending on the action selected, you would need to provide additional information for the action to execute. E.g., As we are updating the Client and Opportunity fields, we would need to provide the field names that are to be newly updated. 

8. Once you have activated your automation rule, all of your sales automation will be listed on the Sales Automation page within the Zomentum app.

Note: If you have multiple sales automation with the same trigger and filters, we will only run the topmost automation rule.

Now that we know the setup procedure for Sales Automation let’s see how Sales automation can help us in our Sales cycles.

Sales Automation- Cloning

You can now clone a sales automation to create a workflow with the same triggers, filters, and actions. You can use it to create various rules, without starting from scratch, and with minor changes.

For example, if you want to send an email when an opportunity is in the first stage and when it moves to the second stage you want to also send an email but change its contents, you can clone the sales automation and just change the stage and body of the email without having to create a new one.

You can clone a rule from either the Sales Automation list view or from inside the automation.

Once you click on Clone, you can make the required changes (name of the automation, filter, etc) in the same window.  After alterations, save and enable the sales automation.

Sales Automation - Audit Logs

Users can now view/check the logs for every transaction triggered by the Sales Automation they configured. The Audit Logs will show various statuses - Success, ErrorPartial Success, and No action and the description of each. Against each automation, click on the ‘Audit Logs’ icon to view the latest transaction logs. 

Different Statuses:

  • Success: The action item/items were successfully executed.

  • Error: The action item/items were not executed

  • Partial success: In the case of multiple action items, part of the items were executed and others failed.

  • No action: This is the initial status of an automation rule and it will change to one of the above three statuses once executed.

Section 2

1.2    Let’s Make it Work for You - Sales Automation Use Case     

To understand how Sales automation makes closing deals easier, let's look at a few use cases which Zomentum Sales Automation can perform.

Matt is a Sales Consultant at XYZ Corp and has many opportunities that he wants to automate. Just after identifying potential leads (clients), he has many actions that keep on repeating for each client. Zomentum helps in automating such activities by just following these steps:  (following numerical sequence as shown in Fig 1). 

                                       Fig 1. Flow diagram of Sales Automation Use cases

  1. Send an email to schedule a meeting when the Opportunity Stage is changed to “Qualification”. Similarly, you can create different tasks on opportunity stage updates.

  1. Send a Mail alert to the owner of the Opportunity when a new opportunity created/updated.


3. Create a new Task for further steps (e.g., Schedule a meeting, add notes)

4. Send Proposal Document to Clients over Email  (needs email host authentication ) 

5. Document is  won -> Move  opportunity to the won stage

6. Send Welcome/Onboarding email when the opportunity is marked as won

7. Send emails to a specific email address once payment is completed:

You can create a sales automation that would send emails to a specific email address once payment is completed inside a quote.

To do that, select the trigger as ‘Documents -> Updated’ and the filter as ‘Payment status -> Has changed to -> Payment completed’ and the action as ‘Send -> Payment received Email’ and add the recipient(s) and click on ‘Activate’ to save and enable the automation.

This would trigger an email to the recipients from ‘’ every time a payment is completed for a quote.

8. Option to skip weekends while creating Tasks in future (Next X days):

You can create a sales automation that would create a task in the next X days. The event can be set anything based on your requirements. The action will be “Create Task



You can also choose to “Skip weekends” if you do not want to count the weekends. 


Example: If you set the task to be created in the next 5 days on Wednesday and choose to skip the weekends, the automation will include Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday but it will skip Saturday and Sunday in between. The task will be created on Tuesday.


Troubleshooting 'Invalid Email' for Sales Automation workflow

If the user chooses the From email address as “Triggered entity Owner”  and if the Opportunity owner (Triggered entity owner) hasn’t connected their mailbox to Zomentum, the email sending will fail when automation is triggered.

To avoid this, you can now choose the From email address of a specific user from a list where the ones who do not have their inbox connected are greyed out.

You can also choose to send the email from ‘’ in case the trigger entity owner is a user who has not connected their mailbox. You can see this option at the bottom of the email page.


> Use case Matrix:


Expected Action

Create/Update  Opportunity

Task Create/Updated

Create/Update Opportunity

Schedule an Email

Update Document 

Schedule an Email

Update Document

Update Opportunity to Won

Opportunity Created

Send alert Mail to Owner 

Opportunity Created

Set Reminder