This document gives you an overview of the Opportunity module and its functionality.

Opportunities are ongoing and past business engagements that you have the ability to create, edit, and delete. 

1. Overview of the Opportunity Dashboard

Zomentum has two types of views, the Kanban view and the List view. Choose your preferred view from the ‘Display as’ option available on the Opportunity page.

Kanban view:

A unique view that Zomentum offers where the opportunities are listed in boxes according to your predefined stages of the prospect sales cycle. The stages typically begin with capturing a ‘Prospect’ or ‘Lead’ and then that opportunity can be moved through the various stages in your sales cycle, ending with the Won/Lost stage. In this view, the user can simply drag and drop the Opportunity from one stage to the next as they progress through the sales cycle.

Refer to this 
video to get a better understanding of the above steps.

List View and Filter Options:

This view showcases all the Opportunities in a ‘List’ format along with the information on the respective owner, pipeline, stage, clients and much more.

We also have the option to view specific Opportunities by adding filters.

For example, to view all opportunities which are in the ‘Prospect’ stage, add the following condition and click on “Apply Filter”.

Once the filter is applied, you will see all the respective opportunities.

Note: The filter applied can be saved for future reference. Users can then switch over to the Kanban view to easily track Opportunities. 

Bulk Update

If you would like to bulk update fields for an Opportunity:

  1. Switch over from the Kanban view to the ListView. 

  2. Select the Opportunities or use the filter option to search for a specific set of Opportunities to be updated. 

  3. Tick the check-box next to each of the opportunity or bulk select them using the check-box next to the ‘Opportunity Title’. 

  4. Click on ‘Bulk Update’. From the pop-up screen on the right, select the field to be updated and enter the value.

  5. Hit Save, once done. 

2.  Create Opportunities

  • Navigate to the “Opportunities” section in the left sidebar.

  • Select  “Add Opportunity” in the top right corner.

  • In the pop-up form, enter the details of your Opportunity and then click Save.

    There are some mandatory fields that need to be completed:

  • Title: Name given to that particular opportunity

  • Client: The name of the company related to this opportunity.

  • Pipeline: Choose which pipeline this opportunity should fall under
    Note: Users have the option to add an additional pipeline in case you have a different sales process to handle different business use-cases. Click here to learn about Pipelines.

  • Opportunity Type: Depending on your opportunity, you can classify as hardware/software/labour.

  • Stage: Choose a stage in your sales sequence to put this opportunity under. An opportunity can be placed in any stage. I.e. Prospect, Evaluation, Quote, etc. 

  • Owner: Owner within your company that is dealing with the particular opportunity.

  • Primary Contact: The primary contact from the particular company.

  • LinkedIn Contact: Their LinkedIn profile.

  • Expected Close date: An estimated date for closing the deal offered.

  • Client PO number: The ‘Purchase Order’ number will be referred throughout the transaction process by both buyer and seller.

  • Close Probability: The probability of close is a percentage value. It indicates the probability of closing a deal.

  • Estimated value: The expected value (EV) is an anticipated value for investment at some point in the future.

  • Use Revenue/Cost of Documents: 

    If this box is checked, the cost of the opportunity will be automatically taken from the document. If it is unchecked, the cost and revenue can be manually entered into the box given. 

    (i) You can enter the number of months to calculate the cost and revenue for the opportunity in “Calculate total for # months

    (ii) Calculation of Totals and Margin:

    Total Revenue = One time revenue 

    + (Weekly revenue * 4 * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Monthly revenue * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Quarterly revenue/3 * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Half-yearly revenue/6 * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Yearly revenue/12 * Number months to calculate totals)

    Total Cost = One time cost 

    + (Weekly cost * 4 * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Monthly cost * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Quarterly cost/3 * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Half-yearly cost/6 * Number months to calculate totals) 

    + (Yearly cost/12 * Number months to calculate totals)

    Margin  Value = Total revenue - Total Cost 
    Margin  Percentage = (Total revenue - Total Cost) / Total revenue

    Total Revenue: 1000 + (100 * 4 * 6) + (500 * 6) + (1000/3 *  6) + (5000/6 * 6) + (10000/12 * 6) = 18400

    Total Cost: 800 + (80 * 4 * 6) + (400 * 6) + (800/3 *  6) + (4000/6 * 6) + (8000/12 * 6) = 14720
    Margin Value: 18400 - 14720 = 3680
    Margin percentage: 3680 / 18400 = 20%

  • Source: A place from where the business was obtained. For example, referrals, company events, website forms, etc. 

  • Campaign: The campaign from which this business was obtained.

 make use of Custom Fields to capture more information while creating an Opportunity. 

3. Import Opportunity

  • Click on Opportunities in the left sidebar.

  • Click on Import in the top right corner.

  • You will be given three options to initiate the import and an option to export opportunities from your Zomentum account in a CSV format.

The three Import options are:
(i) Import by downloading the file in a CSV/XLSX format
(ii) Software from which you want to import can be integrated (coming soon)
(iii) If you do not have a fixed format of the sheet, you can simply email us. We will take care of the rest (coming soon)

From the above option, you can also Export opportunities from your Zomentum account into CSV format.

4. Edit an Opportunity
Choose from the below three options to ‘Edit Opportunity’ in Zomentum:

(i) In the Kanban view, click on the down arrow next to an opportunity and then select “Edit Opportunity”:

(ii) From the List view, click on the more option, three vertical dots on the right side, then choose “Edit Opportunity”:

(iii) Opportunities can also be edited on the opportunity details page.

Transferring Opportunity and Document from One Client to Another

You can transfer opportunities and their associated documents from one client to another and ensure all relevant information is reassigned correctly. For example, Client A having Opportunity A with Document X marked as WON can be transferred to Client B. After transferring Opportunity A to Client B, it should have Opportunity A along with the document attached to it. This will also trigger an update to your PSA to reflect Document X as associated with Opportunity A under Client B. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and accurate transition of opportunities and documents between clients.

5. Opportunity Detail Page 

Click on the opportunity from the Opportunity Dashboard or click on the “Edit Opportunity” to navigate to the opportunity details page. On the details page, users have the ability to add or modify sales activities related to that Opportunity. 

We have tabs here that hold specific information about the opportunity.

All: shows the summary of all the activities across all tabs. 

Notes: existing notes can be viewed or new notes can be added.

Tasks: keep track of the overdue, upcoming and completed tasks. 

Meetings: schedule upcoming meetings directly on Zomentum and also view ‘Past Meetings’. 

Calls: calls can be logged here and if a browser calling system is used in your organization, it can be integrated. 

Email: Send and track emails directly on Zomentum. Learn more about Email & Calendar Integration here

History: consists of the entire history of the opportunity such as creation date, details of any updates, etc. 

Click on the ‘Actions’ tab to add these details or click on each individual tab to add/ schedule.

Additionally, users can view the associated Client & Contact details, linked Documents, and Document Grand Total in a single pane view. It helps you with all the necessary information related to the Opportunity. 

6. Search for an Opportunity

The Global Search bar, in the top bar, allows you to search for entities. Enter the keywords into the search bar and hit Enter to search for an Opportunity. 

You may also wish to select ‘Opportunity’ from the dropdown to narrow the search and use it to quickly access any information required.

Click on the right search result to navigate to the details page of the Opportunity. 

7. Delete An Opportunity 

To delete an Opportunity from the Kanban View, click on the arrow next to the opportunity name and choose “Delete”:

To delete an opportunity from the list view, click on the three dots on the right side of the screen, then choose “Delete Opportunity”:


  1. Deleting an Opportunity is a permanent action that cannot be undone

  2. Deleting an Opportunity will delete all documents associated with it

8. Opportunity Rotting

Opportunity Rotting will help you keep track of Opportunities that are stagnant in a particular stage. The platform will alert users of such opportunities pending in a specific set of ‘X’ days based on the pipeline settings configured for each stage. 

In the Kanban view of the Opportunity Dashboard where deals have rotten, you see the following message: Deal has been rotten for ‘X hours/Days.  

The Setup

  1. Navigate to Setting from the left-sidebar → click on ‘Pipeline.’

  2. Against the desired Pipeline, click on the pencil icon to edit the Pipeline settings.

  3. For each stage listed under the pipeline, you will see the option to ‘Assign rotting age’. ie, once the Opportunity has been moved to that particular stage, what is the time allocated for the opportunity to be in that specific stage before it rots. 

  4. Click ‘Done’. 

Once the setup has been completed, Zomentum will identify opportunities that are stationary in a specific stage and provide an indication for the same. You can either move the Opportunity to the next stage of the pipeline or click on the alert to move the Opportunity to a ‘Won’ or a ‘Lost’ stage. 

Users can also perform a similar action from the Opportunity deals page view, as shown in the below screenshot: