Users can now push Zomentum entity URLs (such as Client and Opportunity URLs) directly within custom properties in HubSpot. This integration ensures that you have all the necessary information and tools at your fingertips, enhancing your productivity and enabling smoother operations.

Steps to Enable:

  • Reconnect Requirement: Users need to disconnect and reconnect their Zomentum account within HubSpot to enable the URL Sync functionality.


  • Manual Setup (Alternative):  If you prefer manual setup, follow these steps:
    • Deal Properties: Create a group named Zomentum within Deal Properties.
      • Within this group, create a property named Zomentum Opportunity URL. Set the internal name of this property as zomentum_opportunity_url. 

    • Company Properties: Create a group named Zomentum within Company Properties.
      • Within this group, create a property named Zomentum Client URL. Set the internal name of this property as zomentum_client_company_url.


  1. If choosing the manual method, click save and start sync on the integration to backfill all historical values.
  2. The internal name can only be set during creation and can't be edited later.