Creating an impactful full-page cover for your quotes or proposals in Zomentum can enhance the professional appearance of your documents. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a margin-free cover page and customize it with text and merge tags.

Creating a Full-Page Cover Without Margins

Step 1: Add a New Page

  • Start by clicking the "+" Add Page icon within the Zomentum document editor. This will add a new page to your document.

Step 2: Upload Your Document

  • Select the Upload Document option.
  • Choose an A4 sized PDF file that will serve as your cover page. Ensure that this PDF does not have any margins.
  • During the upload process, make sure to deselect the option 'Crop the margins of uploaded .pdf document'. This ensures that your PDF will cover the entire page without any margins.

Step 3: Delete the Original First Page

  • Since it's currently not possible to reorder pages in Zomentum, you must delete the original first page of the document to make your new cover page the first page. Navigate to the original first page, select it, and use the delete option to remove it from the document.

Result: Your newly uploaded cover will now appear as the first page of your document.

Adding Custom Text and Merge Tags

Step 1: Insert Text Block

  • Drag a 'Text' block from the toolbar onto your newly created cover page. This allows you to add customizable text over your cover page.

Step 2: Customize Text Appearance

  • Position the Text Block: Move the text block to the desired position on the page.
  • Adjust Transparency: Use the transparency slider to make your text blend in or stand out from the background, depending on your needs.

  • Change Text Size and Color: Modify the text size and color to ensure it contrasts well with the background, making it easy to read.

Step 3: Utilize Merge Tags

  • To make your cover page dynamic and tailored to each recipient, use merge tags. These can automatically populate information such as the client’s name, document title, author’s name, and expiry date directly into the text.

Step 4: Preview and Adjust

  • Preview your document to see the end result. Make any necessary adjustments to the text placement, size, or style based on how it appears with the cover page background.


By following these steps, you can create professional, eye-catching cover pages that are fully customized for your documents in Zomentum. This customization not only enhances the visual appeal of your proposals or quotes but also ensures they are personalized for each recipient.