Problem Description

In some cases, when attempting to sync an opportunity with AutoTask, you might encounter a situation where the opportunity syncs successfully, but the linked quote and pricing information associated with it do not sync as expected.

You may encounter the following error for the document:

Error: Default Quote location not found for the account


1. Verify the Shipping Address:

  • In AutoTask, the client's Shipping Address plays a crucial role in the synchronization process.

  • Check the Shipping Address for the linked client and check if the shipping address is correct or not.

2. Check for Default or Blank Values:

  • Ensure that the Shipping Address is not set to a blank default value. A blank Shipping Address can interfere with the Sync issue.

  • Kindly make sure that the Shipping Address is correctly populated.


If you find a blank default Shipping Address for a client, remove it from the client's profile update the same as the client’s shipping address and ensure the correct address is set as a Default address.


If the Integrations setting is Real-time- Once the required changes have been made, the won document will be automatically pushed to AutoTask.

For Push and Pull Integration settings- kindly connect with Zomentum support as won document requires backend support to push to PSA.

Workaround for pull and push method

The user may clone the document and update the correct address and then manually change the document status to WON so that it will trigger the push option and document get synced to AutoTask.

By following these steps, you can manually trigger the synchronisation of a document with AutoTask after making necessary updates or corrections to the document's address.