The start date — also known as the effective date or the commencement date — is the date that your SaaS subscription agreement officially goes into effect and the subscription becomes available for use to the end customer and a billing cycle starts from this date. 

Earlier, we had prorated changes in autotask and also all the changes in the Number of licenses are made instantly and then pushed to the PSA.

But our customers want to have more power to customize the billing options to set a different kind of effective dates:

  • Pro-rate on the date itself - (Actual situation)Contract/Agreement is updated the day itself.

  • Set on a fixed day in next month 

  • Set to start of the current month

  • Set to end of the current month

  • Apply on 1st day of the previous month

  • Subtract removed licenses at the end of the month, and add new licenses at the start of the month

We want to ensure that we set the effective date to the date on which we received a license change. For example, in the case of Microsoft contracts, the subscriptions can have different start dates. We need to take those into account as well.

So, we have introduced the effective date setting which is available in the contract wizard when a contract is created.


  • Enabling effective date is only possible for new contracts.

  • Do not change licenses in the contract or agreement directly. 

  • Use history to check what will happen in a contract. This is important when you create a contract for a vendor with older license information more then 30 days (last sync date)


  1. Default contract configuration
  2. Effective date calculation: Pro-rate on the date itself
  3. Effective date calculation: On the next fixed day of every month.
  4. Effective date calculation: Set to start of the current month
  5. Effective date calculation: Set to the first day of the previous month.
  6. Effective date calculation: Subtract removed licenses at the end of the month, and add new licenses at the start of the month.

1. Default contract configuration

When starting with Zomentum Connect the default contract setting will be “prorate”

To change this setting go to:

Configure (1) - Settings (2) - Effective date calculation (3)

2. Effective date calculation: Pro-rate on the date itself

This is the default contract type.

Changes in the number of subscriptions coming from the vendor are adapted in the Contract/Agreement the day itself.

Configure - Adjustments:

1 - Number of licenses to exclude: Processed the day itself

2 - Ignore product entirely: Processed the day itself

3 - Minimum number of licenses: Processed the day itself

4 - Service override: Processed on the start from the date

Configure - PSA Configuration - Service / Product Mappings

Any change in the product mapping or ignore is processed the day itself.

History information:

Processed : subscriptions are processed on this date

Ignored : Subscriptions are ignored on this date

Pending :  We apply the changes on this date.

3. Effective date calculation: On the next fixed day of every month.

Changes in the number of subscriptions coming from the vendor are adapted in the Contract/Agreement on the following fixed day of every month.

When setting the date to 31, we always take the last day of the month. It is also possible to select the contract type “set the end of the current month

Configure - Adjustments:

1 - Number of licenses to exclude: Will be processed on the configured day of the month that is coming

2 - Ignore product entirely: Will be processed on the configured day of the month that is coming

3 - Minimum number of licenses: Will be processed on the configured day of the month that is coming

4 - Service override: Will be processed on the configured day of the month that is coming after the starting date.

Configure - PSA Configuration - Service / Product Mappings

Will be processed on the configured day of the month that is coming

History information:

Pending:  We apply the changes on this date.

4. Effective date calculation: Set to start of the current month

Changes in the number of subscriptions coming from the vendor are adapted in the Contract/Agreement on the first of every month.

Subscriptions added this month is pushed to the first of this month.


On October 10, we added a new subscription with 2 licenses.
The PSA contract will be updated into the past on the first of October.

Configure - Adjustments:

1 - Number of licenses to exclude: Will be pushed back to the first day of the current month.

2 - Ignore product entirely: Will be pushed back to the first day of the current month.

3 - Minimum number of licenses: Will be pushed back to the first day of the current month.

4 - Service override: Will be pushed back to the first day of the current month where the date is starting from.

Configure - PSA Configuration - Service / Product Mappings

Service mapping and ignore

Will be pushed back to the first day of the current month.

History information:

Pending:  We apply the changes on this date.

5. Effective date calculation: Set to the first day of the previous month.

Changes in the number of subscriptions coming from the vendor are adapted in the Contract/Agreement on the first day of the previous month.

Subscriptions added this month is pushed to the first day of the previous month.


On October 10, we added a new subscription with 2 licenses.
The PSA contract will be updated and the changes will be applied on the first of September.

When the contract doesn’t exist we update the licenses on the first possible day.

Configure - Adjustments:

1 - Number of licenses to exclude: Will be pushed to the first day of the previous month.

2 - Ignore product entirely: Will be pushed to the first day of the previous month.

3 - Minimum number of licenses: Will be pushed to the first day of the previous month.

4 - Service override: Will be pushed to the first day of the previous month based on the start from.

Configure - PSA Configuration - Service / Product Mappings

Service mapping and ignore

Will be pushed to the first day of the previous month.

History information:

Pending:  We apply the changes on this date.

6. Effective date calculation: Subtract removed licenses at the end of the month, and add new licenses at the start of the month.

An increase in the number of subscriptions coming from the vendor is applied to the Contract/Agreement on the first day of the month.

Removal of a subscription is applied on the last day of that month.

With this setting the MSP maximizes his margins; new licenses are always applied on the first of the month, and removal of licenses is on the last day of the month. 


On October 10, we increased a subscription with 2 licenses for end customer X.

On October 11 we decreased a subscription with 1 license for end customer Y

The increased subscription for customer X will be pushed back to the first of October and the contract subscription will be increased.

The removal of a subscription for customer Y will be pushed to the last day of October. At that moment we do a decrease of the contract.

Configure - Adjustments:

1 - Number of licenses to exclude: Will be pushed to the last day of the current month.

2 - Ignore product entirely: Will be pushed to the last day of the current month.

3 - Minimum number of licenses: Will be pushed to the last day of the current month.

4 - Service override: Will be pushed to the last day of the current month

Configure - PSA Configuration - Service / Product Mappings

Service mapping and ignore

Will be pushed to the first day of the previous month.

History information:

Pending:  We apply the changes on this date.