When a user receives a new Excel file from a vendor that needs to link to an existing vendor contract, the defined mapping needs to be adjusted, and the data needs to be imported.

This can be avoided by using the Generic Import feature provided by Zomentum. Perform the following steps to use the feature:

  1. Navigate to Import from the left side panel.
  2. Select Data File to upload a new data file.
  3. Select the Vendor that needs to be updated.
  4. Update/map the fields according to your business requirement.

  5. Minimum required data fields:
    Customer Name: Unique end-customer Name.
    Product Name:  Unique product name.
    Licenses: number of licenses.
    Recommended data fields:
    Customer Name: End-customer Name.
    Customer ID: Unique identifier for the customer.
    Product SKU: Unique identifier for the product.
    Product Name: Product name.
    Licenses: number of licenses.

  6. Map the correct data and import.