Product prices may change with time but the prices in quotes do not change.  Consequently, it creates an additional task of updating all the old quotes to reflect the new prices. However, our new feature automatically updates prices inside any document.


  1. Go to quote the builder.

  2. Add the product.

  3. Configure the pricing by editing the product.

  4. Select the Pricing options. (Detailed explanation on pricing is mentioned below)

  5. Add the product.

In Pricing, there are three options:

  1. My Catalog: This shows the default pricing added during the product creation and provides the ability to edit the fields like cost price and selling price.

  2. Real-Time Pricing: This option includes auto-update with the OFF/ON feature.

  • Auto Update - OFF: It allows users to select the distributor of their choice and also edit the fields like cost price and sell price.

  • Auto Update - ON: When Auto Update is enabled, it converts distributor radio buttons to checkboxes and provides the ability to select all the available distributors.

  1. The lowest price among the selected distributors will be selected automatically. 

    Note: The price change gets updated in documents once every 24 hours, based on which the lowest price would be considered.

  2. If Auto Update is enabled, the cost price will be fetched from the selected distributors, and the selling price will be calculated using the margin/markup.

  3. It does not allow editing the fields like cost price and selling price.

  1. Create new - Custom: Users have the ability to edit the cost price when custom is selected.