What is Cloudally
CloudAlly is a cloud data backup and recovery system which automates the backup of data from a range of cloud services, including G Suite, Office 365, OneDrive, Box, Salesforce, and more.
What we do:
With a custom excel template, we import the billing reconciliation file from Cloudally.
Forward your montly billing reconsilliation mail to Zomentum Connect. This way, you won’t miss out on unbilled backup licenses.
Every month you receive a mail from [email protected]:
Download the CSV attachment.
The Csv file has the following headers:
Payment date
Cloudally account name (email)
Partner ID
Backup task account name (email)
Backup task friendly name
Service type
Service Price
Number of users/GB
Import this file into Zomentum Connect
Select Import
Select the data file received from Cloudally and select ‘Import data file’.
Select vendor template : Cloud ally
Import data file and preview the data
- Import Data into Zomentum Connect
- Configure the global mapping:
To automate the import process the next time. Configure an email rule to forward the billing file to Zomentum Connect: