In order to connect Zomentum connect to Autotask, you'll need to set up an API account within Autotask.

Follow these steps to create a new one:

1) In the Autotask menu (1), choose Admin (2), then click Resources (Users) (3)

2) Click on the dropdown button next to NEW (1) and then choose New API User (2)

3) Fill in the First name, Last Name, and choose API User (System) for the Security Level.
Also, fill in the required email address (this can be a non-existent one)

4) Further below, You need to generate the API Credentials:
The username & password will be entered in Zomentum Connect:

And from the dropdown Integration Vendor list, select the “Zomentum Connect - Automated Billing” item.

The last required field is Primary Internal Location.
Select the correct item from the list.

5) Click the button to create your integrator account.

You can now use the credentials of this integrator account to connect Zomentum Connect to Autotask via the Connect form: