The concept of Order Forms is to solve MSPs’ hardware sales issues. Order Forms could be regarded as re-usable quotes. If the client buys the same items or chooses from a pool of similar items every time, the MSP should be able to provide them with a re-usable quote (Order Forms) which the client can use to make a purchase for themselves. 

Difference between Order Forms and a quote:

Unlike quotes, Order Forms do not change stages but it can be published and unpublished.
Unlike quotes, Order Forms may be generic or attached to a specific end client.

How do Order Forms work

  1. An Order Forms is published and shared with the client via an email or a link

  2. The end client opens the Order Forms.

  3. The end client chooses the items they want.

  4. The end client approves/pays for the items.

  5. An opportunity is created in Zomentum. A quote is created under the opportunity with a new status ‘Requested’.  A notification and an email are sent to the MSP.

Types of Order Forms:

Generic Order Forms - An Order Forms that can be used by anyone to place an order. 

Specific Order Forms - An Order Form that would be used by a  selected end client to place an order.

Generic Order form:

To create a Generic Order Form, please go to documents and click on New documents. Choose ‘Order Forms’ and click on ‘Generic Order Forms’.

The user should select the Tax region of the Order Forms and go to Templates.

From there, the user can choose from the list of templates(Global or personal) or start from a blank document.

The blocks available to create the Order Forms are very similar to the blocks available in the quote. Only the signature block isn’t available

The user can use the blocks to build your Order Forms. By default, all products in the quote block are optional. You can learn more about each block here.

Payment can be enabled in the Order Forms if the user wants the end client to pay for the items in advance while placing the request.

Once the Order Forms are built, the user can send the Order Forms by clicking on the ‘Publish and Send’ button on the top right.

Once the user clicks on that, the Order Forms are published and a link is generated. The user can share the Order Forms with the client as a link or send an email.

Once this is shared, the client can select the items and approve/pay for the order. You can unpublish an Order Forms to disable the link and the document becomes inaccessible.

Now an opportunity will be created for this Order Form and have the status ‘Requested’. Zomentum tries to match the contact email address with existing clients to create the opportunity under the said client. If no client exists, new contact and client will be created and the opportunity will be associated with the now created client. A quote will be created with the products and associated with the new opportunity

Specific Order form:

A specific Order Form is created for a specific client.

To create a specific order form, please go to documents, click on New documents, choose ‘Order Forms’, and click on ‘Specific Order Forms’.

The user needs to choose the client, recipients and the Tax region of the document. Then proceed with creating the document that is the same as creating generic Order Forms.

What happens once a client approves/pays for the order?

  1. An opportunity is created for the end client in the stage chosen by the MSP.

  1. A quote is created with the selected items and linked to the opportunity. The status of the quote would be “Requested”. If the payment is already done by the end client, the user will be able to edit the order and the quote block, however, if the payment has already been done, the user can only approve the quote.

  1. The end client and MSP receive emails about the submitted order.