Changing the Contract Period Individually

You can override the default contract period for each individual contract. 

Please note that it is not possible to change the period type of an existing Autotask contract.

  1. Go to the contract you want to change.

  2. Click the edit button (1) next to its Contract Period:
    Contract billing cycle
    If the contract has already been linked to Autotask, the icon will no longer be available.

  3. Select the required contract period (1) and press the save button (2):
    Override the contract billing cycle

Overriding a Service per Contract

The service mapping determines which Autotask service will be used in your contract for every product. In some cases, it could be necessary to override the mapping for a particular contract. This is possible using the override functionality:

  1. Go to the Contracts page.

  2. Look for the contract you want to edit (1) and click on the domain name (2) to view its details:
    Search for a contract

  3. Scroll down the list of products and press the configure button (1) to show the list of available services:
    Contract override service

  4. Toggle the Override button and select the new service to use for this product. Set the date when this change should be applied. Leave the date unchanged to apply it immediately. Press the Save  button to create the override:

Remove a Service Override

Once a particular service override is no longer needed, you can remove it just as easily. Follow the steps above to configure your product. This time, click on the Override toggle to disable it and press the Save  button:

Note that the service in the contract will be updated immediately.

Exclude or Ignore Service Units

In certain situations, you do not want to bill all units to your customer for a given product. You can configure Goolash to automatically exclude a number of units easily. Alternatively, you can choose to ignore a product entirely:

  1. Find the contract and product, and open its configuration window by pressing the configure button:
    Contract override service

  2. In the Adjustments panel, add the number of units to exclude in the input field:

    This number will be subtracted from the total count for this product. For example, if this product has 6 licenses and you exclude 2, only 4 will be added to the Autotask contract.

  3. If you want to ignore the product completely, check the ignore box.

    The product will now be ignored during sync. If the product already exists in the Autotask contract, its number of units will be reset to 0.

  4. Press the Save button to apply your settings. Changes will be made immediately.

Link Products to a Service Bundle

When working with service bundles, you will have to add related products to a single Service Bundle to prevent them from being synced twice.

As an example, let's assume you bundle Microsoft 365 Business Standard and Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection licenses into a single bundle.

You can create a service override for your Microsoft 365 Business Standard product and link it to a Service Bundle. That results in the number of units for your Service Bundle automatically matching the number of Microsoft 365 Business Standard licenses.

All that remains is to link your Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection product to the bundle, to prevent it from being added to your invoice separately:

  1. Open the configuration window for your bundled product via the Configure (1) button:
    Configure product

  2. In the Add to bundle pane, toggle on the switch next to the service bundle (1) you want to add this product to:
    Add to bundle

  3. Press the Save button to apply your settings. Changes will be made immediately.

Zomentum Connect will now automatically exclude the number of units linked to the service bundle from this product.

If you scheduled the service bundle override to go into effect on a future date, we will not exclude the unit count from this bundled product yet either.