Zomentum Marketplace makes it easier for Partners, like you to easily connect with their favourite SaaS solutions in the market. In the Marketplace you can discover new SaaS products, under multiple categories can connect with them.

Here is how you can get started with Marketplace: 

  1. Click on the Marketplace Icon -   - on the left-hand toolbar in  Zomentum Grow. 

  2. This will take you to the  Marketplace home page where you can view all our listed solutions. 

  3. SaaS products are listed under these categories: 

  4. Productivity

  5. Infrastructure

  6. Continuity

  7. Security

  8. Communication

  9. Compliance

  10. Training 

  11. You may either click on the categories or scroll down the Marketplace  page to view the listed products 

  • Click on the product you want to learn more about. For each product, your can, see their features, value propositions, and pricing details. 

  • To get more details about the product, click on the ‘Request more info’ button. You can also request a trial with this vendor by clicking on the “Get started with Trial” button. 

  • If you need more assistance on the platform, click on the ‘Need help with purchase’ icon to speak with our support specialist.