Google has made changes to its policies which mandates any application that connects or utilizes their services needs to go through a “Security Assessment” before the app is verified and publicly available. We are currently undergoing the security assessment and trying to get the Zomentum app verified. Until then G-suite admins have to manually whitelist the Zomentum app to allow zomentum to connect to Gmail and Calendar.
More details regarding google’s security assessment can be found here:
How Do Administrators Whitelist My App?
A G Suite super administrator is the only person who can whitelist your application for an organization. If the super administrator whitelists the application, anyone at your company will be able to sync their accounts with the zomentum application.
Remember this is only whitelisting the Zomentum app. Individual users still have to connect their Inbox and Calendar for the sync functionality to work.
How do I Instruct Super Admins to Whitelist Applications?
Admins should sign in to their Google Admin Console; from the Google Admin dashboard, go to “Security” and open up “Settings”.
Then, admins should scroll down and click on “API Permission/Controls”
Click on “Manage Third-Party App Access”
Click on “Configure New App” and select “OAuth App Name Or Client ID”
- (OR) ChannelForce
Select the Client ID as shown below:
Please provide the APP Access as Trusted and click on ‘Configure’ to enable the access for all the Google Services:
1. For the Zomentum app to work, we will require access to the Gmail and Calendar App. You can check the status of the accessibility to these google services as per the screenshot shown below:
If Gmail and Calendar have ‘Unrestricted’ access, you may wish to change the Zomentum app access to a ‘Limited’.
2. If the Google services (Gmail and Calendar) have ‘restricted’ access, the Zomentum app would require ‘Trusted’ access.