You can use the Tool bar at the top of your document to format your text. 

With the tool bar you can do the following functions 

Bold : Bolds the highlighted text

Italicize : Italicizes the highlighted text

Underline : Underline the highlighted text

Choose Font color : You can customize any font color by providing it’s 6 digit # colorcode. Or pick from one of the suggested options 

Fill Background : You can fill the background of any text block, with a custom color of your choice by typing its 6 digit # color code between 000000 to ffffff. Example white - #ffffff

Set font for section : Choose between any of the available font for the section 

Note  : You can set a global font setting for the entire document and also customize fonts for each section of the document. The section specific font setting always overrides the global font settings, unless it is set to “Default Font” 

Set font size : Choose between any of the available sizes for your font

Note  : You can set a global font size for the entire document and also customize fonts for each section of the document. The section specific font size always overrides the global font settings, unless it is set to “Default size” 

Align Left, Centre, Right or Justify 

Increase and Decrase Indent : Indents the paragraphs towards your left or right 

Hyper link : Link it to any url on the web. Example Here ( CLicking here leads you to Zomentum Home Page) 

Clear Formatting : Removes all existing format currently applied to your highlighted text

Ordered List: Make a numbered list starting from 1 to N 

Unordered List: Make a bulleted list 

Add a Table : You can choose to add a table to your document. 

    While adding a table you can select the number of rows & columns.

    Choose table background and border colors by providing the 6 digit # color code. 

Merge Tags : These are variables that you can assign to your text and replace it with a name of any similar value. 

Example : a merge tag named “Company.Name” will populate that field with the current value of the variable “Company.Name”